Wednesday, March 26, 2008

New Table Saw Safety Mechanism

I found some interesting videos on a new technology in table saws. The table saws, made by SawStop, have a safety feature controlled by the presence of electric current when contacted with flesh to trigger a shut-off mechanism. The videos do a great job of illustrating in a better way how it works. Here is the link to SawStop's website: and there are four neat videos on the left-hand side.

You might recall Mr. Keck made mention of this table saw on Monday and predicted that most shops would eventually be equipped with them.

I also did some research on the cost of this machine. Right now, it runs around $3,000. That is quite expensive compared to around $1,500 for a good Delta 10" table saw, but I think school administrators will agree that the added safety offered is well worth it.

-Kurt Leber

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